Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 11, 2010

Should parents corporal their children?

People say that “ spare the rob” and there are so many who use corporal punishment believing it is the useful method. Should parents corporal their children? I think that shouldn't because some of reasons below.

Firstly, hitting does not only bring a parent closer to their child, but also builds resentment in their child and encourages rebellion later in their teen years. Most behaviors have either natural consequence such as breaking toys, inappetence, disobedience, etc. For me, I was raised in a non-hitting family and I'd venture to say that I think children raised in families where respect, reasoning and understanding are valued may actually love their parents a little more than children who came to think of their parents as "authoritarian" and as who did not believe children deserve the same respect they, themselves, expect other to show them.

Secondly, using corporal punishment could make the child feels bully. Why? Because he felt bitter inside him. Nobody wants corporal punishment. This would encourage the child to rebel when the punishment is too hard for him to bear. It will make him more stubborn and hardheaded. Most parents stop spanking their child once the child is big enough to fight back, what does that say about spanking? It is tool only used to dominate over someone who is weaker and smaller to make them do something what you want them to do. What does that teach about cooperation? We need to stop the madness of corporal punishment and start use good parenting skills rather than hitting our children to dominate over them when they small. Generally, what the child do or accomplished reflects what kind of parents he has

In fact, the world is full of people who have grown up after being hit as children and who will say, “ I was hit, and I’m ok.” Well, we are not saying people will die from being hit or that everyone who was ever hit by parents will be a criminal. We am saying, however, that the relationship children have with non-hitting parents is better one; that not hitting children is the only real way to practice what we preach, the children who are not hit often far better behaved than the children who are, and that even people who think they are “ok” after being hit are not as “ok” as they would have been had they not been hit.

It is a fact that dealing with kids need a lot of patience. But there are some other ways to make them behave well other than spanking or hitting. In this generation, we can not keep the children in our home if we always hit them every time they made mistakes. So, rob does not teach a child to become a good person.

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