Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 3, 2011


When people talk about the students’ life, they always say as the hard time for any one because students study a lot, they have to make and keep the relationship with new friends. Especially, they have to learn how to spend a little money received from their family. In the context of high inflation, students’ life seems harder and harder because of increasing price. That is a big problem they have to solve in many ways.

First, they try to spend money in the economical ways such as instead of paying a considerable amount of money to buy new books, they take the copies or rent them from library. Besides that, in an increase in the price of petrol, lots of students change to go to school by bus instead of by their own motorbike. In addition, they ignore to buy new clothes or just buy them at sale shops saving about 5-55 percents of these products. Generally, saving money is the good choice for students maintaining their stable life.

Second, they find part-time jobs to earn money. Most of students choose to be the tutor of children of rich families. About 3-4 time per week, they can get 500000-700000vnd per month. Some others prefer to be a waiter or waitress because this work doesn't require many competences. Apart from the salary for each month, they can receive some tip from open-handed customers. In some case, doing part-time job makes students neglect their study. Yet, doing part-time job help them understand the value of money and get more experience for their future job.

Third, there are many programs and scholarship of universities and companies to stimulate the study of students. Therefore, students become hard studying to win scholarship to pay off their needs and their study.

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2011


One of my favorite tricks for improving many areas of my life is really simple : I write things down. This is a hugely powerful way to focus our attention, keep track of life, and much more.

On one hand, writing makes the invisible visible. When we are faced with a knotty problem or a difficult situation in life, try writing about it. Just thinking about how to resolve something can end up making us fell more and more stressed as our thoughts will often go around in circles. Setting aside some time to write about it will help us to process emotion, see the problem in a different light, and work our way towards a solution. At any one time, we have myriad thoughts, ideas and insights lodged in our mind, waiting to be released.

On other hand, writing is one way to let our thoughts flow, to take our wherever we need to go. Writing assists us in putting aside our internal censor. It is important for us put inside any self-judgment when we begin to write. Instead write to think, write for the fun of it, write to relieve confusion. Sometime the thinking mind can’t access what the writing mind can.

All we may know the power of writing. How can we put the theory into practice?

An old friend

One afternoon in mid June, the intense heat of sun shine wanted to roast everything. We visited Đa Nang beach, water was deep blue and waves dived as if the heave of the sea rib-cage. Đa Nang sea was limpid and mild as people in the central- my hometown. The trip made strong impression in my memory.

The scenery of sea went into my soul from childhood though poems and songs. And at present, in font of me, the coast was similar the caressing arm because of its curve that made people felt as protected. The right side was the legendary Ngu Hanh Son Mt, the other was firmly Son Tra Mt, pristine Đa Nang beach was awakened by the astonishment of citizens, the white smooth and bashful sands seemed virgin face. Decline of day, the sea-shore was animated because of the frolic playing sound and the cheering for a soccer match without measurable time of children with blur of sand smiles. My toes were touching the first mass of warm sand. The wide one surrounded and stretched far away but I left to pay my attention at the immensity to be seen an old friend of mine. I put my steps into the water and walked along as if to go to the end of heaven and earth. Waves looked as a child,spring to hug my legs and then run away.

From far side of sea, dusk gradually felt, the flaming, tiring sun after a wander day, was slowly hiding behind thick deep blue water. We sat on the sand to talk together and grill some fresh cuttle. A moment later, also from the sky and sea boundary, the moon woke up inch by inch and spread quickly. A gust of breeze ripped the face to make thousands of sparkling streaks liking starry on water. From afar, moon looked as a mantle of fishermen at night and ocean was a giant fishing boat.

It was already past 8 p.m, we drove back home, the cool wind blew on our face, we smelt that the saltiness of ocean. I left the city with blue sea and white sand to join into the bustle life of the city named Uncle Ho. Distance always tell how much I love my country and my sea.